Monday, 25 April 2011

With the Tourists

So for my first photo I decided to go to the waterfront and be with the tourists. The weather was glorious today and there were a lot of tourists about. I was testing out my new Nikon camera before I unleash it upon Paris next week. After a while the battery ran down and my feet were getting a bit sore so I sat down for a cigarette next to the rubbish bin. I saw this grafitti and couldn't help myself, I took out my smart phone and snapped this using the polaroid setting on an app called Retro Camera. I'm not a massive fan of grafitti but I do like the sentiment :)


  1. Welcome to the world of city daily photos - good to see one from Liverpool

  2. Thank you! I hope to make it one worth watching. It will be on hiatus for 5 days this coming week due to holidays.

  3. Yes, I am with Gerald in this., Nick. Welcome to the CDPB community. We are a pretty friendly bunch of people.
